Why podcasting or web radio? 

A podcast perfectly meets the needs and interests of students. It is affordable, both to create and listen to, and fulfills pedagogical aims thereby establishing a fun and engaging learning environment for students. The challenge we face is creating a podcasting culture since it is difficult to stay up to date with the latest technologies. While online direct audio for the purpose of leaving messages and reviewing lessons has been used for several years, its application in education is an unprecedented function.

Even though building an archive of recordings is great, sharing them with a community is even better!

It offers teachers valuable insight into what pupils are doing at school, allowing parents to feel more connected with their child’s education. Therefore, this course will allow participants to understand the benefits of starting web radio programs not only in their classes but also in their schools.

Consider how a classroom or school podcast radio station may promote: Self-confidence, Inclusion, Student Voice, and Team building.

In this course, we will create the idea of a radio-podcast, detailing its characteristics, qualities, and ways in which this teaching method can be used in class to offer more flexiblecreative, and motivating options.

A note for those teachers who may be technophobes: please don’t be intimidated by this technology-dependent lesson! Audio editing programs are intuitive and easy to use, especially for students.